
Adhesive Cleaner Spray

Cleaning Spray

Quickly and easily removes adhesive labels, glue, seals, grease, etc...

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Cleaning Spray

A spray that makes your life easier, in one minute you will have peeled off any label from bottles, jars, jars, etc… As well as removing adhesive residues and labels or seals from any surface.

Cleans, eliminates,
give another life to your containers

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Power Epoxy

Power Epoxy

An epoxy to solve thousands of problems, repairs, rebuilds, reinforces… 3 times more powerful than a normal epoxy!

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Power Epoxy

The two-component putty is resistant to water, high temperatures, weak acids, oil, gas and humidity. It is practical and very strong. REPAIRS ALL TYPES OF MATERIALS.


Seal, Fill, Repair, Reuse!

The Ultimate Solution for Repairs and Constructions

Power Epoxy is a revolutionary epoxy designed to solve a wide range of problems. This unique formula is three times more potent than conventional epoxies, and its convenient single-use formulation makes it even more convenient. It is exceptionally resistant, withstanding high temperatures, humidity, shocks and even acids. Its water resistance guarantees permanent and durable bonds. In addition, it is able to withstand weak acids, oil, gas and the most adverse humidity. Its application is simple: clean the surfaces, mix until a homogeneous color is obtained and apply with pressure. Power Epoxy cures completely in 24 hours, and once dry, it can be sanded, drilled, shaped, painted and much more.

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Waterproof repair tape

Seals with
Tape Repairer

Instantly repairs water leaks. Join, glue and seal on any material!

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Repair Tape Waterproof

Self-adhesive waterproof repair tape has an immediate hold. Instantly repairs any water leakage. You can apply it dry, wet and immersion, it is flexible and withstands high temperatures! Perfect for emergency repairs and on a wide range of materials.

Seal, Bond, Glue and Repair!

Don’t throw away your broken items. You can easily retrieve your inflatable pool or canisters with holes in them. In addition, the repair tape bonds to PVC, acrylics, metal, steel, copper, aluminum, aluminum, wood, ceramic, glass, rubber, stone, ceilings and roofs. It can even stick on plasticized, waterproof, dirty and greasy materials. It is perfect for home and professional use!

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Stop Nails

Hangs with
Stop Nails

Hang pictures, photos or mirrors without drilling holes in the wall!

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Stop Nails

Double-sided strips are easy to stick on any object, they can withstand up to 30 kg! Convenient and clean with no need to drill holes in the wall to hang whatever you want.

Fix cups, slippers, toys and any household utensil

Glue the strips to the object you want to place on the wall. 2. Peel off the red paper to uncover the adhesive. Place on the wall and press for a few seconds and you’re done!

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Slimes ready!

Glitter and transparent slimes
Have fun kneading!

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Ready-to-play and knead slime !
Have fun and put a bright touch in your life!

Fantasy colors in Slime!

Stretch the slime as much as you can, knead it for a few minutes to make it compact, then you can play and enjoy the characteristic smells of each color. Best of all, you have many colors to choose from: transparent and glitter, choose your favorite color, have fun playing without getting dirty doing it at home, forget about stains.

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3D Painting

Create with
3D Painting

Ideal for handicrafts with relief.
Paints on all types of
materials and fabrics!

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3D Painting

Acrylic paint in six different colors, drying with relief, you can easily paint on all types of materials!

3D Decoration
We show you how!


Take a pot, cup, t-shirt, etc… 2 Imagine what you want to draw, in our case, we are going to decorate some objects, put our pet’s name, identify a pot, etc.


Just uncap the tube and use the applicator tip to draw as if it were a pen.


You can use a brush and even mix colors, remember to let it dry for a day to make sure it is dry!!!


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1 tubetto 1 use! Package of 3 monodose adhesives, to prevent the adhesive from drying out. Special for joining porcelain, metal, rubber, leather, wood and many other materials. Achieve clean and invisible results in a few seconds. Potenza istantanea extra forte. Ripara tutto quello che ti viene in mente!

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1 tubetto 1 use! Package of 3 monodose adhesives, to prevent the adhesive from drying out. Special for joining porcelain, metal, rubber, leather, wood and many other materials. Achieve clean and invisible results in a few seconds. Potenza istantanea extra forte. Ripara tutto quello che ti viene in mente!

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CategoriesCreates Uncategorized

Confetti Glue

Crea con
Confetti Glue

Ideal para proyectos escolares, manualidades y cuando desee dar un toque brillante a sus trabajos!

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Confetti Glue manualidades

Cola de origen natural y ecosostenible, para todo tipo de manualidades. Pega papel, cartón, madera, plástico, corcho, fotos, etc… Y reciclable!

Ideas fáciles y creativas
¡Te enseñamos cómo!

1 Coge una caja que tengas por casa, puede ser de zapatos, un embalaje de algún envío, etc… 2 Recorta fieltro de colores para el fondo, en nuestro caso, amarillo si es para un tigre, marrón si es para un perezoso o blanco en este caso: un gato! 3 Forra toda la caja con el color elegido, pegándolo con Eco Cola. 4 Añade todos los detalles que quieras, ojos, orejas, boca, etc. Utiliza cartulinas, pompones, palitos de mader, todo lo que se te ocurra!!





Personaliza tu caja de madera.
Transfiere una foto a madera, sencillísimo.

1 La foto debe estar impresa en papel normal, pero recuerda, si lleva texto, deberías imprimirla del revés para que al transferirla se lea correctamente. 2 Recorta las fotos al tamaño que necesites. Limpia la superficie de la caja y aplícale la Eco Cola. Aplica también la Eco Cola al papel, pero por el lado impreso. 3 Pon el papel con la foto sobre la madera encolada, ten cuidado de que no queden burbujas ni pliegues. 4. Espera 24 horas para que se seque. 5 Humedece el papel pegado, frotando con paciencia hasta que se caiga todo y solo quede la caja con la foto impresa.
Si quieres un mejor resultado aplica barniz.


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